The young man wanted a change in his life.  He jumped into Christianity for several reasons, none of which actually changed the way he thought, talked or acted.

His family had wanted him to become a Christian.  His life had been in a miserable cycle of ups and downs for years.  And the church had helped him escape the bad life he had been in.  But a few years went by and it seemed harder and harder to make it to church.  He found himself back in some of the same old habits, with some of the same old friends and his life was heading the wrong way again.

Most of us can understand or identify with his story.

It’s a powerful thing to believe in Jesus Christ and have forgiveness of our sins.  This young man was “born again” and had eternal life ahead of him.  But if you, like he, were hoping for Christianity to change your life, you might be or have been disappointed.

Our lives may change when we change our environment.  It may change when we start hanging out with different friends.  Or it may change if we start memorizing scripture.  But in the long run, these efforts may become wearisome and dull in their impact in our lives in comparison to the life God wants to help His children to live.

Are they good efforts?  In and of themselves, they ARE good things.  But they are not the best things for you if God Himself is somehow left out.

We are going to talk about how you can participate in God’s best things in your life and have the relationship with Him be one of a sweeping power through your soul; like a torrent river that washes clean the banks.  You will never be the same once you have experienced this.

Of course we want ourselves and others to DO good things rather than bad or evil things, right?  But God would have Christians empowered to do His things and experience the blessing of His hand, His favor and power in our life.  This is what the rise up life is all about.

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