Ask God for Help!

You wanted a change.  You became a Christian thinking everything would change, but you were disappointed.  Now you hear Christians can rise up in a strength from God.  How does that work?

If you believed in Jesus Christ for forgiveness of your sins and asked him into your life, you were “born again.”  You became a new creature.  You may not even understand that.  But you were.  It may have been yesterday.  It may have been 20 years ago.

Key Question:  Did you ever ask, “NOW WHAT?”

If not, you should have.  For one thing, our bodies and soul were not “born again.”  Perhaps that will give you an idea why things haven’t changed as much in your life as you hoped.  But the more important thing is that God intends much MORE for you NOW in this present life as well as LATER.  And, you are here now.  The Holy Spirit drew you here, whether you know it or not, because this is the way our ministry prays.

And now is your hour to begin to rise up.

But there is one thing that every Christian must do before we can begin to rise up in true power in this life.  We must humble ourselves.  We must open our hearts to God and ask Him to change our soul.  God strongly supports this willing-heart.

The Bible teaches that Christians already have everything else we need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:2-3).  Being a Christian, being “born again,” made us a “new creature.”  Now just let God have you.

When we humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God, grace can be multiplied to us.  He will cause us to rise up and live the righteousness of Christ– the love of God.  This is the active grace of God on our souls.  But our soul—our thinking, our personality, our attitudes, our decisions, will not change unless we take some action.  We must walk in the trust we have in the Almighty God and allow Him to work with us to change our souls.  Yes, we have some work left to do.

No, I’m not talking about “works” to earn our eternal life.  I’m not even talking about trying to stop doing all the wrong things that we do.  Although that is important.  But, we are talking about letting an Almighty power impact our life for the better.  This is what He wants; real, lasting change for His children.

Are you ready?

Rise Up Principle

2 Peter 1:2-8

The one thing every Christian must do before they can rise up in true power in this life is to humble themselves.

“We must open our heart to God and ask Him to change our soul.  God strongly supports this willing-heart.”

Christians already have everything else we need. “Now just let God have you.”  And grace can be multiplied toward us.